The age group classifications below are just recommendations. Players may play up a division or down a division if desired.
Birth Year   2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2015&2016 2012-2014
Boys Division   Little All-Stars Pee-Wees Atoms Bantams Juniors Intermediates Seniors
Girls Division   Little All-Stars Pee-Wees Neutrons Microns Quasars Protons Electrons
Players placed
on set teams? No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Size Of Team N/A N/A N/A 12 Players 14 Players 16 players 16 Players
Games 4 vs. 4 4 vs. 4 4 vs. 4       4 vs. 4       5 vs. 5       6 vs. 6 9 vs. 9
(two games) (two games) (two games)
Size Ball 3 3 3 3 3 4 4
Goalies? No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Offside Rule? No No No No No No Yes
Primary Sundays Sundays Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays
Game Day
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