2015 - 2018 BIRTHS

BANTAMS DIVISION (2018 birth boys)
MICRONS DIVISION (2018 birth girls)
  • Play two simultaneous games of 4 vs. 4
  • Use a size 3 soccer ball
  • Maximum of 12 players on a team
  • Goalies are NOT used

JUNIORS DIVISION (2017 birth boys)
QUASARS DIVISION (2017 birth girls)
  • Play two simultaneous games of 5 vs. 5
  • Four field players and a goalie
  • Use a size 3 soccer ball
  • Maximum of 14 players on a team

PROTONS DIVISION (2015 & 2016 birth girls)
INTERMEDIATES DIVISION (2015 & 2016 birth boys)
  • Play two simultaneous games of 6 vs. 6
  • Five field players and a goalie
  • Use a size 4 soccer ball
  • Maximum of 16 players on a team

  • The emphasis of our Middle Age Divisions is on enjoyment of the game, skill development and the introduction of being a part of a "team."

  • Each player is assigned to a team for the season. Each team will have their own head coach.

  • All teams play an eight game schedule, mostly on Saturdays.

  • Each team has one practice a week, held on a weeknight or Sunday afternoon, as determined by the coach.

  • Game times will vary each Saturday and can start as early as 9:00 AM or as late as 4:00 PM. Game times for all teams will be different each week.

  • Heading a ball and slide tackles are illegal in these age groups.

  • Be sure to note on the registration any night that you have conflicts with other fall activities. This will enable us to put each child on a team that will not practice on nights where there will be a conflict.

  • Travel Team players and Developmental Academy players are NOT eligible to play in these divisions.

  • Some divisions will close out early due to the limited number of parents who volunteer as head coaches.

  • Team assignments will not be posted on our web page until around Labor Day Weekend.

  • Game schedules will not be posted on our web page until around Labor Day Weekend.

Web Page Designed And Maintained By: Biff Sturla