May 15, 2010 -
The LMSC Sabertooth Rats completed a great first season of play by winning the Under 9 State Championship, defeaating the Ukrainian Nationals Fury 6-3. In their
seven state cup games, the Sabertooth Rats outscored their opponents 61-5, scoring at least six goals in every game. The Sabertooth Rats also won the Indoor State
Cup back in January and won the Delco League Division One championship last fall.
Congratulations to the Sabertooth Rats on an excellent season!!!!!
Back Row: Assistant Coach Marcus Toconita, Colin "The Silent Assassin" Burn, Griffin "The Lobster Hunter" Wada, Julian "Dr. J" Niggeman,
Tom "Bad Bear" Bradbeer, Dominic "The Dominator" Leonard, The Biff
Front Row: Harrison "Blockhead" Bloch, Justin "The Short, Fast Curly Haired Kid" Nachman, Jason "Not Jansen, Not Justin, Not Julien" Aoyama,
Sebastian "Dr. Shutout" Connelly, Luca "The Italian Stallion" Giordano, Harrison "H-Bomb" Malone