November 14, 2010 -
The LMSC Sabertooth Rats won their second consecutive Delco League division one championship as they defeated the LMSC
Quick Boys 1-0 in an all LMSC championship game.
The only goal of the game came 14 minutes in the second half when Harrison Malone scored on an assist from Harrison Bloch.
The Sabertooth Rats finished the season 10-0-0, giving them a perfect two year Delco League record of 21-0-0. The LMSC Sabertooth Rats defeated
the Ukrainian Nationals 3-1 in the Delco League semifinals while the LMSC Quick Boys defeated West Chester 4-1 in the league semifinals.
Photos From The Semi-Finals and Championship Game
Back Row: Assistant Coach Marcus Toconita, Sam Wilson, Harrison Bloch, Tom Bradbeer,
Griffin Wada, Sebastian Connelly, head coach Biff Sturla
Front Row: Colin Burn, Harrison Malone, Jason Aoyama, Justin Nachman, Luca Giordano, Julian Niggeman.