This page is ONLY for players who were just offered a spot for the upcoming 2024-2025 travel team and need to register for the upcoming season.
This is NOT the page where players register for tryouts. To register for tryouts, CLICK HERE
Please do NOT complete the registration process until you have been selected for a speciic LMSC travel team after tryouts have completed
and your coach has assigned a jersey number to you for the 2024-2025 season.
Please do NOT do the registration process until:
- You have been assigned a jersey number by your coach
- You have an online face photo of the player that can be uploaded into the registration system (mandatory for all players)
- You have an online electronic copy of the player's birth certificate or passport showing date of birth (not needed if you are currently a registered LMSC travel team player)
This registration program will require you to pay your non-refundable $375
CLUB REGISTRATION via credit card. The club registration fee is $185 for players registering after January 15.
THE 2024-2025 SEASON